Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Picking up the Pieces.....
Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Time to dust off this blog and see if it still has any magic left in it.
When we last met, I was thrilled to announce my trade of a CHEVY LUMINA (worth $2,000) for $4,000 worth of preofessional computer/internet tech services. That was in the summer of 2008. Since then, Terry and I somehow managed to BUY a house, have 2 fabulous years there, and watch all our dreams crash and burn with the economy, when he lost his job, and our home was forclosed on. During that time, I lost touch with the lovely lady with the computer/tech business, and later learned she was having a family emergency, so my project stalled. So, what now? How to start again? She has had my car, for free, for almost 3 years, and I'm trying to start over from less than nothing. Any suggestions?
Friday, June 27, 2008
Trade #15! Chevy for Computer service/Website building by a professional business! Up to$4,000!!!

The $2,000 Chevy has DOUBLED it's value now, as I have to offer for my next trade, up to $4,000 in services by a local web-designer, computer repair specialist! Lori can do just about anything you can dream up! Her company's website is http://www.pgctechnologies.com/ (which will explain a lot more of what she does than I can!!!!) She does professional websites for businesses, and is tech support to many more. Trust me, I've seen some of her work..... and I've seen some of the "professional" websites out there and there's a LOT of people/businesses out there who could use her help!
Below is a rough draft sample of the contract she has just traded me, which I now offer up to all you lovely readers out there! (&, see attached picture of Lori and I, with her new/old Chevy! LOL)
This contract is to be used as a trade between PGC Technologies and Erin McRaven. She may transfer this contract to another party or company in any trade she feels is reasonable.
Holder of this contract is entitled to select from the list of services (appendix A) offered by PGC Technologies for a combined total of $4000.
This contract is not redeemable for cash.
Here is a copy/pasted technical contract:
Technical Contract
Support Contract (Hardware/Software) Agreement made the day of By and between : ________________________ (hereinafter called ‘the Client’ of the one part) and PGC Technologies (hereinafter called ‘the Supplier’ of the other part)
WHEREBY it is agreed as follows:
In consideration of the Contract agreed and undertaken by the Client, the Supplier shall endeavor to provide support & maintain in good working order the equipment referred to in the Schedule hereto, upon the terms and conditions hereafter appearing.
The application software is current at time of installation; information on updates, from time to time available, is obtainable from the Supplier at the request of the Client.
Preventative Support / Maintenance
The supplier shall arrange, at times mutually convenient to the Client and Supplier, dependent on and if covered by contract agreement undertaken, for each machine as detailed in schedule, to be checked, adjusted, cleaned and tested during each period of twelve calendar months covered by the Agreement.
On Site plan clients will be advised of available system & security patches and have the opportunity of supplier remotely or on-site, performing necessary update to ensure system integrity.
The client is fully responsible for the proper care and housing of the equipment and for the implementation of regular back-up and archiving routines. The Supplier accepts no responsibility for problems caused as a result of poor housekeeping by the Client.
First-Line Support
This agreement is based upon first-line support via telephone / email / remote access (where appropriate). All such support calls, will be initiated by the Client and the service is available during the hours specified in relevant outline of contract (excluding annual shutdown period between Christmas and New Year).
The Supplier will provide operational help and advice to the Client via Telephone / email / remote access as is specified in relevant contract outline; such help will relate to operational queries only, Requests for software amendments/updates will be dealt with separately and will be chargeable (where required by software publisher).
Repairs / Support Calls
The Client has responsibility to report any defect occurring to the system within 3 working days of the defect becoming apparent.
On receiving notice of a defect, the Supplier will undertake remedial action, as appropriate, e.g.: telephone advice, e-mail support, remote access, repair visit, return of goods etc.
In case of hardware breakdown any replacement items which are supplied are covered by the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty, as applicable. The Supplier has the option to replace equipment rather than repair if this is considered by the Supplier to be more appropriate.
Support / Repair visits shall be made on the basis outlined in the support contract/agreement undertaken:-
______ Remote Service
______ On-site
On Site service calls will only be made for individuals 75 miles from the Supplier.
a) Replacement of parts shall be made as necessary at inspection visits and/or repair calls, at manufacturer’s current prices. Cost of parts is not included in service agreement. Client is responsible for cost of replacement parts.
b) Consumable parts may be fitted free of charge provided no special journey is required, otherwise consumable parts are excluded from the Agreement.
The Supplier shall not be liable for the cost of repairing and damage to the equipment caused by:
a) Theft, fire, flood, accident, explosion or acts of God;
b) Misuse of the equipment by the user or additions to the equipment not approved or fitted by the Supplier;
c) Inspection, adjustment or repair of the system equipment by persons not in the employ of or agreed with the Supplier.
Support Charges
The premium at the rate specified in Schedule shall apply for a period of twelve months from the date of the Agreement and shall continue thereafter unless and until the rate is revised by the Supplier to cover increased cost at the end of the first period or at the end of any succeeding period of twelve months.
The Supplier will provide one months advance written notice of any such revision to the Client.
Payment will be by Standing Order (where applicable) in advance.
Entry of Premises
The Client shall allow all necessary access to their premises to enable the Supplier to carry out services and repairs as agreed. The Supplier shall comply with the requirements of the Client in the matter of ensuring the identity and bona fides of any engineer or other person requiring to be admitted to the Client's premises in connection with the Agreement.
The Agreement shall remain in force until the credit ($4000 USD) for services expires. The Client may extend the Agreement at normal costs.
Special Considerations:
This contract is to be used as a trade between PGC Technologies and Erin McRaven. She may transfer this contract to another party or company in any trade she feels is reasonable.
Holder of this contract is entitled to select from the list of services (appendix A) offered by PGC Technologies for a combined total of $4000.
This contract is not redeemable for cash.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Trade #14! Kia traded for 1998 Chevy Lumina!

Thanks to the really cool, sweet couple who drove from Dawsonville to Gainesville College to meet me! I checked out the Chevy....and was impressed by how well kept it is! They then followed me and Terry back to our place, where the young lady was just thrilled to see that my Kia was her favorite color!
So....everybody's happy....and now there's a Chevy Lumina sitting in my yard....waiting for a new home....
Monday, March 10, 2008
Trade #13. The tiller was traded for a 1999 Kia Sephia! I got a CAR!!! 1 black phone has become a Blue CAR!!!!!!
Yep, it's true! The trusty little tiller has been traded to a WONDERFUL couple in Marietta Georgia for their 1999 Kia Sephia! This is a GREAT little car....with only 135988 miles on it! 4 door, automatic, great tires, power windows.... Wonderful car for a student, or to commute to work. These cars are GREAT on gas!
I'm taking trade offers and will until I get the one that speaks to me.... *This is it*
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Trade #12. Troy Built Tiller
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Offers I've had in 1 week for the Go Cart!
I've already had a LOT of really interesting offers for the Go cart! This has been an overwhelming & encouraging response, especially after the 6 months I was trying to trade the rubies! Here's a list of some of the offers I've had so far.... If anyone has any thoughts on what's been offered so far, or wants to post an offer themselves, please feel free!
* weedwizard (supposedly they go on weed eaters. It was one of those emails with broken english, so I wasn't really sure how to respond)
* good mtd riding mower with 12 1/2hp 38cut (well, I'd just traded off a riding mower, so I wasn't really interested in another one)
* electronics, games, cell phones, pdas, etc. (wanted to a group of items trade, which is really kinda hard for me to deal with re-trading, plus we all know how electronics go down in value)
* a good riding mower (yet another riding mower)
* go kart that I just rebuilt the motor on (a "go cart for a go cart"? I dunno about that...)
* i have a 2 gig ipod that needs a new battery(30 dollars at batteries plus)
i have a slim ps2 with 1 game and 1 controller(it has a minor issue with plug but doesnt affect the uasability)
i have a desktop pc 2 gig processor 30 or 40 gig hard drive 512mb of ram running windows xp (no Monitor included) i do have the power plug the restore disk and speakers for it.
i have a game cube with nothing just the system lost everything else in move. (WOW! That was kinda a mouth full! Sounded like a lot of interesting items..... I'm just not sure about electronics)
* Entertainment center or 2. Wicker chair. Glaze planting pot. Painting or lawncare. (hmmmm??)
* Got an email from a PI, but I responded and he never answered back.... Not sure I'd want to have him investigating a case of MINE.
*A car audio system.
*17 foot canoe (plus an old wooden one to restore)
* (this one made me go WTF???) A 1987 Honda Civic SI, red, sporty & fast (yeah, I bet!) 223,000 miles (holy sh*t!) blown head gasket (well, we all see where the 223K miles got it too, huh??)
* A Kenmore refrigerator
* Large stand up arcade
* A HP laptop and a ps2
* 2, 22 cal. rifles & a Nintendo 64 with 13 games
*A new violin
* 2 black metal futons
* Carpet dry cleaning
* A computer
* A 1999 Yard machine riding mower (*sigh*...another mower?)
* 2 Zen V (WTF is that?) plus 4 GB MP3/MP4 players (wow....all the items of the world who's names are reduced to letters & numbers! boggles the mind!)
* An air compressor
* A Mountain bike
*Trace Elliot TA50R acoustic amp
* (and the most unusual offer so far.....) A 5 foot tall totem pole, made by a local artist!
(and now a few more filter in...)
* Entertainment center or 2. Wicker chair. Glaze planting pot. Painting or lawncare. (hmmmm??)
* Got an email from a PI, but I responded and he never answered back.... Not sure I'd want to have him investigating a case of MINE.
*A car audio system.
*17 foot canoe (plus an old wooden one to restore)
* (this one made me go WTF???) A 1987 Honda Civic SI, red, sporty & fast (yeah, I bet!) 223,000 miles (holy sh*t!) blown head gasket (well, we all see where the 223K miles got it too, huh??)
* A Kenmore refrigerator
* Large stand up arcade
* A HP laptop and a ps2
* 2, 22 cal. rifles & a Nintendo 64 with 13 games
*A new violin
* 2 black metal futons
* Carpet dry cleaning
* A computer
* A 1999 Yard machine riding mower (*sigh*...another mower?)
* 2 Zen V (WTF is that?) plus 4 GB MP3/MP4 players (wow....all the items of the world who's names are reduced to letters & numbers! boggles the mind!)
* An air compressor
* A Mountain bike
*Trace Elliot TA50R acoustic amp
* (and the most unusual offer so far.....) A 5 foot tall totem pole, made by a local artist!
(and now a few more filter in...)
*a K&N cold air intake kit that came off a 2005 GMC Sierra?
Follow this link to find out more information: http://www.knfilters.com/search/product.aspx?Prod=57-3023-1
It is a used product, but these things come with Million Mile Warranty. This one has maybe 50,000 miles on it.
*a custom molded stereo box, speaker and amp that came out of that same truck. It is designed to fit behind the driver’s side rear seat of a crew cab Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra.
*old star craft boat 15' v hull fiberglass with 3cylinder 65 hp mercury engine.motor ran fine when last used about 3 years ago. hull on boat is in good shape has windshield and rails need new floor and seat
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